Thursday, May 14, 2009

What is the World Trade Organization

What is the World Trade Organization WCO 

World Trade Organization is the legal and institutional foundation of the system 
MTS. They provide the contractual obligations 
Basic determinants of how governments formulate and apply the laws of 
And instructions of local trade. As well as provide a forum in which the organization of the 
Which is developing commercial relations between countries through dialogue 
And negotiation. 

Genesis and philosophy of the organization 

Established the World Trade Organization as one of the results of 1/1/1995 
Resulting from the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations among the members of 
GATT agreement. 
The organization on the principles of economic thought, which advocates freedom of 
Trade fundamental task is to ensure the smooth flow of trade and freedom of 
And can be deduced as possible. The cross-site in the Marrakesh Declaration 
April 1994 approved the establishment of the Organization, the liberalization 
Trade is meant to "strengthen the trading system and increase the volume of trade 
World, investment, employment and income growth over the whole world. " 

Functions of the World Trade Organization: 

- Management and application of multilateral trade agreements and the collective market 
Embodied in the organization. 

- Serve as a forum for multilateral trade negotiations markets. 

- Working to resolve trade disputes that arise between members 

- Supervision of the national trade policies and the issuance of commercial supplements 
Indicators of trade show 

Trade policies in the Member States. 

- Cooperation with other relevant international organizations to manufacture 
Global economic policy 

The headquarters of the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization 
The organization's headquarters in Geneva / Switzerland and is headed by a Secretary General elected 
Council of Ministers of the Organization. The organization is currently in its membership countries 
Constitute 90% of trade in world trade. The organization shall take its decisions unanimously 
Members, which provides equal opportunities for members of the decision-making, regardless 
Of their size. 

The organizational structure of the Organization: 

World Trade Organization consists of the following administrative levels: 

First: The Council of Ministers: The Council is headed by the organization and consists of the Ministers 
Trade in the Member States, a source for decision-making 
Important issues raised by global trade agreements and 
The formation of committees to carry out the tasks on the basis of the Convention and the conventions 
Trade and report to the General Council to take action 

Second: the General Council: The representatives of all States, following the Ministerial Council 
In terms of importance and to meet whenever necessary and the Council 
Support the establishment of bodies such as the Council of Trade and trade goods and sit 
Services and councils will meet as needed and available membership 
To representatives of Member States without exception. 

Third: the WHO Secretariat: The secretariat is headed by the Director-General of the Council concerned 
Ministerial Director and the appointment of the crew of this secretariat. 

The principles underlying the organization 

The organization on a set of principles derived mostly from the 
GATT and, among them: -- 

First: the MFN principle: They are intended for non-discrimination between 
Member States or non-state treatment of any preferential treatment to 
The expense of the other State, where all countries are equal members of the circumstances 
International competition in the primary with the exception of those belonging to the 
Economic territory of a Member States in the areas of customs unions and 
Free trade and to grant each other preferences are not subject to the principle of 
MFN protection by developing countries to 
Emerging industries and the preferential trade relations between States 
Industrial countries that were colonies of them. 

Secondly: the principle of national treatment: It means the lack of distinction between goods 
Locally produced and imported goods, both in terms of taxation 
Local sales tax or the imposition of laws and procedures, within the 
Framework can not determine how to distribute imported goods in the local market 
Without identification of locally produced goods. 

Third: the abolition of quantitative restrictions and customs duties replacement 
: In principle, this meant the elimination of all quantitative restrictions on imports 
And exports and replaced by the imposition of customs duties and the States 
Upon accession to the World Trade Organization to reduce tariffs 
And identified on the agenda or the agenda called the detection or privileges 
National schedules. 

IV: the principle of transparency: It is intended to provide information to investors 
And exporters, importers, and therefore the State to publish 
All information relating to the provision required for each of the centers and the establishment of 
Booking Imknah to provide the necessary queries wish exporters 
And importers or investors and to provide access to WTO 
Global economic policy and to inform of any changes 
Changes to these policies and procedures. 

Fifth: the principle of fair trade: This includes the principle that the 
Trade between the countries on the basis of efficiency, competence, quality 
The price of the exporting industries, and has been the development of special procedures 
Local economic impact on international trade, including 
Support and protective measures and policies of dumping. 

VI: the principle of consultation and negotiation: the Convention calls for the need to 
Consultation and negotiation among the members to resolve disputes over policy 

Conventions embodied in the Organization 

Including the Uruguay Round, which announced its results after the signing of the document 
The final city of Marrakech on 15/4/1994 (28) and the number 
Of ministerial decrees regulating the work in the future and can be divided 
Themes of these conventions into three sections: 

1 - access to basic 

2 - Subject of a legal nature 

3 - New forum topics 

Section I: Basic force: The Protocol of access to 
Basic schedules of specific commitments of each State, or where 
The result of bilateral negotiations between the contracting market and to 
The removal or reduction of customs restrictions and non-tariff includes: 

First: the Agreement on Agriculture: This is the first agreement of its kind in terms of 
The liberalization of international trade for agricultural commodities are addressed in this agreement 
Commitments in the following areas: 

1 - Removing non-tariff restrictions converted to tariffs 

2 - The statute to imports that were subject to non-tariff restrictions 
Not less than 3% increase to 5% in 2000 

3 - to reduce support for the production and export by 21% and 36% respectively 

4 - the organization of the right of States to control health and veterinary, including not constitute 
Barrier to trade 

Second: the Agreement on Textiles: The agreement on the abolition of these 
Out of the quota system, which regulates international trade in 
Textile products and is gradually phasing in during the four phases 
Ten-year rates 16% and 17% and 18% and 94% respectively 

Section II: the set of conventions of a legal nature relating to 
Organization of GATT: 

1 - Agreement on the support, which aims to impose countervailing duties on 
Subsidized agricultural commodities. 

2 - Convention on anti-dumping and provides for the provisions related manner 
Identification of the foreign product, which can lead to the closure of the market as well as 
Criteria for determining the damage caused by imported products for local industries. 

3 - Convention on preventive measures, under which the State is entitled to take 
Government action to protect the domestic industry when imports increase 
Certain commodities, including an unexpected cause great harm to the industry 
Either to impose a quota on imported goods or the imposition of additional fees by the 
Commitment to or withdrawal of tariff concessions on these goods with the compensation. 

Section III: agreements on new topics: 

Uruguay Round has been successful, as we mentioned earlier in the inclusion of some 
New topics not covered by treaty, and these include 

1 - TRIMS investment procedures and provides for the application of the principle of treatment 
Equality between national and local enterprises and foreign investment has 
Gave developing countries a transition period for a period of five years to adjust 
According to their agreements. 

2 - Intellectual Property and ensure that the key themes such as 
Author and publisher and the rights of literary works, including the computer 
And patents 

3 - trade in services include financial services such as telecommunications and air transport 
And the movement of labor. 

States to join the World Trade Organization 
Negotiations for accession by States: 

1 - a request to join the secretariat, followed by consideration of the 
This request by the General Council and if the request is accepted, the secretariat had 
Working committee to negotiate with the government and the president had chosen for this group of 
One of the ambassadors accredited to the Organization. 

2 - the preparatory stage of the negotiations by the State student membership 
Includes a note on the national economy and foreign trade regime 
Are distributed to the Member States of the Organization for the 
And study and ask questions of the States that apply for membership. 

3 - a stage that has been a final agreement on concessions 
Customs and install roofs and to identify the obligations of the service sectors 
That trade liberalization will be the working group numbers 
Its final report and its decision to the placement of State for membership. The draft 
A draft protocol of accession with the attachments of the schedules of tariff 
Customs services and schedules that have been agreed upon previously and lift 
Of the General Council and the Ministerial Council for approval. Once approved 
By a member so join and become effective after 30 
Days of the signing of the Protocol. 

Mechanism for resolving trade disputes between the Member States 

Include the principles of the Convention on the World Trade Organization rules 
And procedures governing the settlement of disputes, where the settlement of disputes 
Claim that the State breached its obligations to amend the procedures 
And compliance with WTO rules has been the establishment of the Council 
For the settlement of disputes in the event of a dispute between any two members of the organization are 
Address the controversy as follows: 

1 - consultation between the two countries to reach a workable solution to the dispute and any 
Member to respond within ten days to request a consultation and begin 
Consultation during a maximum period of 30 days of the request for consultation and 
State in which the consultation request to send a copy of the application to the address 
Differences of the problem before the World Trade Organization with the explanation 
Rationale for the request. 

2 - composition of the Commission to address the differences of experts by the 
Dealing with disputes to consider the dispute in the case of non-response of the State 
On the request for consultations within ten days or if the process fails 
Consultation to reach a solution satisfactory to both parties within sixty days. 

And determine the reference of this Committee to consider the dispute and the hearing 
To the opposing arguments of the parties in accordance with the recommendation and evaluation to address the dispute in accordance with 
WTO principles.


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